
Weekly Prayer Points

  • Pray each day this week that you would glorify God in everything you do as well as love others. Pray also that you would make the most of every situation and that you would act wisely toward outsiders.
  • Pray that the joy of the LORD would increase and be the source of strength in your life and within the body of believers, so that there would be an opportunity for Cordova to experience the joy of the LORD.

"Coffee With Jesus"

Join us on week day mornings (Monday-Friday) from 7:30 am-8:00am as we start our day in the Word together before moving on to our daily activities. Coffee and tea are warm and ready each morning. (Currently going through Hosea)

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Upcoming Sunday Evenings

-March 23rd: Church Spring Cleaning
-March 30th: Church Potluck
-April 6th: New Bible Study on the book of Titus

Church Spring Cleaning

Join us on tonight at 7:00pm to help us get the church cleaned and looking nice for all of our spring activities!

Ladies Night

On Friday night (March 28) @ 6:30PM, there will be a Ladies Night with Bunco and a Jewelry Exchange at Michele Fisher’s house. Please bring an hors d’oeuvres to share. Dessert and beverages will be provided. Please sign up in the foyer so we can get a head count for Bunco. Come relax and have a fun evening!


On the last Saturday of each month, we have a community outreach for anyone 60 years and older. This ministry is in the lower auditorium at 2:00PM. There is always finger foods, refreshments, and good fellowship. We also spend time singing hymns together, listening to a short devotion and closing in prayer. This is a ministry open to the community, so invite a friend!

Game Night

Game Night will be in the Lower Auditorium on Monday night. Pastor will make pizzas, but is asking for people to bring sides, appetizers, snack food to go with. If you have any games you want to play, you are more than welcome to bring them!

Highlighted Missionary

This month’s highlighted missionaries are Randall and Donita Kollie with the ministry for Liberia. Please be praying for them throughout the month, reach out to encourage them, and let them know you are thinking of them.

Feeding the Flock/Holy Habits Night

Join us on Wednesday nights in the Lower Auditorium at 5:45 PM for dinner and a Christian Study on finding purpose and
contentment through deep connection with Jesus. If you can help serve dinner or help with clean up, please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the foyer. There will be a box for free-will donations to help cover the costs each week. (If you can help make dinner, be at the church on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM.)

Sunday Night Bible Study

Sunday Night Bible Studies will start back up again on Sunday evening, April 6th!

This Week's Sermon Reflection Questions

  • Daily Reflection: “What is keeping me from experiencing joy today?
  • Which do I experience more of in my day-to-day life, happiness or joy? What could I do for there to be a shift to allow joy to grow more?
  • Do I pray that the joy of the LORD would increase and be the source of strength in my life and within the body of believers, so that there would be an opportunity for Cordova to experience the joy of the LORD.

Opportunities to Practice This Week's Sermon

  • Allow the fruit of joy to grow in your life by spending time in prayer, in God’s Word, and by seeking His perspective when facing trials this week.
  • Come alongside someone that is struggling and find a way to encourage them with the fruit of joy that you experience, through your living testimony of God’s gift of joy.


Reach out to us if you have any upcoming events, announcements, or needs to be put in the bulletin. We don't want to overlook any of these announcements in our weekly bulletins. If you have something that needs to be in this week's bulletin, please reach out to us by 1:00pm on Thursday, as that is the deadline for when bulletins get typed up and printed.

Sunday Morning Ministries Callendars

Tech Team

  • March 2: Bill
  • March 9: Andrea
  • March 16: Lennette
  • March 23: Mark
  • March 30: Bill
  • April 6: Janet
  • April 13: Lennette
  • April 20: Easter
  • April 27: Andrea

Fellowship Time

  • March 2: Lennette
  • March 9: Michele
  • March 16: Gayle
  • March 23: Martha
  • March 30: No Food @ Fellowship Time 
(Evening Potluck)
  • April 6: Lennette
  • April 13: Martha
  • April 20: Easter
  • April 27: Judy


  • March 2: Terry
  • March 9: Ruth
  • March 16: Mike
  • March 23: Andrea
  • March 30: Mark
  • April 6: Ruth
  • April 13: Terry
  • April 20: Easter
  • April 27: Mike


  • March 2: Gayle
  • March 9: Darlene
  • March 16: Andrea
  • March 23: Janet
  • March 30: Jacqui
  • April 6: Gayle
  • April 13: Darlene
  • April 20: Jacqui
  • April 27: Janet