Weekly Prayer Points
- Pray each day this week that you would glorify God in everything you do as well as love others. Pray also that you would make the most of every situation and that you would act wisely toward outsiders.
- Spend some time this week reflecting on the good things that the Lord has done throughout your life, the season of life you’re in, or even just His goodness that is evident today. Ask the Holy Spirit for boldness to share the good news of God’s goodness with someone each day this week.
"Coffee With Jesus"
Join us on week day mornings (Monday-Friday) from 7:30 am-8:00am as we start our day in the Word together before moving on to our daily activities. This time is an intentional 30-minute devotional through the Book of Proverbs. Coffee and tea are warm and ready each morning.
RightNow Media
We have a gift for you!!! You have unlimited access to thousands of Christian videos and teachings. To create your free account, text LCCA to 49775 or visit the link by clicking the button below!
Volunteer's Needed
We need HELP with "Nursery" and "Fellowship Time" on Sunday mornings. Please see Pastor Branden to volunteer and sign up for one of the rotating volunteer calendars.
Highlighted Missionary
This month’s highlighted missionary is Jennifer Tunehag. Please be praying for her throughout the month. If you’d like to reach out to encourage and let her know you are thinking of her you can reach out on Facebook Messenger or by emailing at
Feeding the Flock, Holy Habits Night & Bible Studies
We will be starting Wednesday Night Ministries next week, January 29th. There will be dinner served in the Lower Auditorium at 5:45 PM along with a biblical themed study on “What is the Church”? We are going to examine Paul’s letters to explain what the church is, how it began, what it does, and its mission. This series will inspire you to learn from the rich history of the church and will motivate you to act as an empowered member of the family of God. We will be moving our normal in-depth Bible studies that go through a series on a certain book of the Bible to Sunday nights, starting the 26th, and having Wednesday nights be more focused on classes related to Biblical topics that promote Holy Habits.
Young @ Heart
On the last Saturday of each month we have a community outreach for anyone 60 years and older. This ministry is in the lower auditorium at 2:00PM. There is always finger foods, refreshments, and good fellowship. We also spend time singing hymns together, listening to a short devotion and closing in prayer. This is a ministry open to the community, so come and join us!
We would love to have you there!
We would love to have you there!
Reach out to us if you have any upcoming events, announcements, or needs to be put in the bulletin. We don't want to overlook any of these announcements in our weekly bulletins. If you have something that needs to be in this week's bulletin, please reach out to us by 1:00pm on Thursday, as that is the deadline for when bulletins get typed up and printed.
November/December Sunday Morning Ministries
Tech Team
- January 5: Lennette
- January 12: Brady
- January 19: Andrea
- January 26: Bill
- February 2: Lennette
- February 9: Bill
- February 16: Janet
- February 23: Andrea
Fellowship Time
- January 5: Judy
- January 12: Lennette
- January 19: Martha
- January 26: Michele
- February 2: No Food @ Fellowship Time
- February 9: Lennette
- February 16: Martha
- February 23: Michele
- January 5: Mike
- January 12: Ruth
- January 19: Terry
- January 26: Mark
- February 2: Mike
- February 9: Andrea
- February 16: Mark
- February 23: Ruth
- January 5: Gayle
- January 12: Darlene
- January 19: Janet
- January 26: Jacqui
- February 2: Gayle
- February 9: Darlene
- February 16: Jacqui
- February 23: Janet