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The Overflow
If a 5 gallon bucket was set in front of you, what would you fill it with?
How about we put some limits on that question.
I want you to mentally fill it with things that excite you, things that are important to you, and things that bring you happiness/joy. I want your bucket to be overflowing, so keep filling it up.
Now imagine the bucket is your life. The things overflowing are realistically the things that you get excited about that you usually want to share with others. These are things you simply can't keep inside.
When we evaluate what is overflowing from our bucket, we have to ask the question: Are these things: 1. Bringing glory to God, 2. Helping us love others, and 3. Revealing my walk with the Holy Spirit?
If the answer is no to any of these three questions, we need to figure out how to get back on track so that the overflow of our lives would impact others around towards Christ, as we continue to strive towards :Making the Most of Every Opportunity."